Lesson 3

Lección 5/21 | Tiempo de estudio: 10 Min
Lesson 3

Interrogative Particles:

Las partículas interrogativas se utilizan para formular preguntas en inglés.

Algunas partículas interrogativas comunes, haz clic en cada frase para escucharla.

¿Por qué?


What is your favorite color?
¿Cuál es tu color favorito?
Where do you live?
¿Dónde vives?
When is your birthday?
¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños?
Who is your best friend?
¿Quién es tu mejor amigo?
How do you get to work?
¿Cómo llegas al trabajo?
Why did you choose that book?
¿Por qué elegiste ese libro?


1. is your birthday?

2. do you like to do in your free time?

3. is your best friend?

4. do you live?

5. did you go on vacation last summer?

6. is your favorite way to spend the weekends, and
do you enjoy doing the most?

7. are you learning a new language?

8. did you meet your best friend, and
do you usually go out together?

9. does your family celebrate special occasions, and is your favorite celebration?

10. are some of your future goals, and do you plan to achieve them?

11. do you feel about traveling alone?